We might wonder about the merger of a fitness influencer and a brand specializing in high-end outdoor furniture. Although different, Justine and Ingrid (COZIP) actually share many things in common!
You don’t know Justine GALLICE yet?
A presentation is required!

How it all began ?
Justine: “It was pure chance! I discovered the brand while visiting a house equipped with COZIP furniture. I immediately fell under the spell. Sofa, bed, cushion, etc. I found these products very stylish and comfortable […] I ended up buying the house in question and I absolutely wanted the same outdoor furniture! I called Ingrid to find out more about her products! »
Ingrid: “Yes, I was very surprised, I still remember our first exchange: you were very enthusiastic and it really touched me […] I have already created collections for well-known people (Sandra Sisley, Christophe Beaugrand, Julie Bourges) […] There was a very good feeling and I couldn’t see myself not offering you a collaboration! »
Justine: “Actually, it was me who was surprised! I was not excpecting that at all ! I was super excited at the idea of creating outdoor furniture that looks like me and bears my name […] impossible to refuse! »
How did the creation of the JUSTINE GALLICE collection take place?

Justine: “Ingrid had prepared different selections for me and I still remember very clearly falling in love with the model that today bears the name of my collection. Linear patterns, a beige and very refined color. A simple, elegant and at the same time calming side: everything I like![…] it must also be said that it was a pattern which integrated well with my terrace, it matched the wood of my house and I I was convinced that it would give a very harmonious decor […] I don't regret my choice today! »
Ingrid: “The rest happened quite quickly […] there were various remote discussions to find the most suitable products for decorating her terrace, I started making them and a few weeks later, Justine was able to already enjoying its outdoor furniture. »
Your relationship today?
Ingrid: “There is a great understanding between the two of us, really […] I really like Justine for who she is, for what she exudes and it’s a real pleasure to collaborate with her! She is very structured, she knows what she wants, she manages her communication like a pro and above all she listens, and is very caring […] She is a person who does not hesitate to thank you […] ] despite her notoriety she remains authentic and that's really appreciable [...] in short, it's simply great to be able to count on her with your eyes closed! »
Justine: “That’s very nice, thank you Ingrid, I don’t know what to say after that! […] What is certain is that I greatly appreciate Ingrid’s advice and support. Since my first order in 2021, until recently, she took the time to come to my house to ensure that deliveries went well, to help me arrange the different modules […] It goes beyond 'a simple commercial service, there is indeed a relationship of trust. »
Fitness and outdoor furniture?
Funny connection in the end, no?
Ingrid: “As surprising as it may seem, not so much […] there are real points in common between our two activities, starting with well-being. »
The well-being
Ingrid: “Creating comfortable and welcoming outdoor spaces is nothing more or less about wanting to feel good at home […] wanting to be in tune with yourself. »
Justine: “[…] It’s true, it’s exactly the same feeling of inner well-being that we seek after a good sports session: the personal satisfaction of feeling good, not at home, but in his body. » Physical health
Justine: “We can also add the health side. To perform well in sport, rest is important […] and relaxing on a COZIP sofa after a good series of physical exercises is just the best! »
Ingrid: “We could also add one last point […] Whether by sculpting our body or beautifying our exterior, fitness and outdoor furniture both integrate an aesthetic dimension […] We agree on this point ! At COZIP we don't do "Hip thrusts" or even "burpees" to cultivate beauty, we constantly personalize our collections with designer fabrics [...] Ultimately we are looking for the same result: aesthetics! »
A final word?
Ingrid: “What I remember from this adventure is that you are never safe from a wonderful encounter […] Justine clearly contacted me to buy my products before we considered a any collaboration […] she appreciates my products above all and that makes our connection authentic”
Justine: “I don’t have much more to add […] I just hope it lasts for years to come! Thank you for this interview and this beautiful exchange! »
Find Justine GALLICE on social networks:
- YouTube
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