Frequently asked questions
What are the delivery times in France, Corsica or Monaco?
Departure from the company takes place between 48 hours and 10 days
How to track your package?
We want the best for our customers, so we have chosen professional carriers we trust. We will send you their tracking link and your package ID by email.
How to get delivered abroad?
Please contact us at +334 12 05 20 80 or by email at
What should I do if my package is damaged or lost?
Immediately issue a reservation on the carrier's voucher. Send an email to with photos of damaged packages
Collapsible content
About the 5-year warranty
The 5-year guarantee concerns bed and sofa covers. See Cozip warranty conditions:
How to maintain our Cozip furniture?
-We recommend cleaning with water and Marseille soap. Above all, no Karcher-style high-pressure jet.
-Your product is waterproof up to a certain limit, it is not suitable for being submerged. In the event of a heavy downpour (protective cover or shelter)
- The product is not suitable for accidental jumping by children or adults. Better buy a trampoline :)